Kristen Thomas Photography » Northern Virginia Portrait & Wedding Photographer

Forever Families

Happy, Loved and Wanted…


“The little look-alikes keep their mother hopping.  Four busy little hands and legs can cause a mighty lot of mischief.  But this doesn’t bother Mrs. Dillow.  ‘We prayed for a little boy or little girl and we got two little boys.  It was the hand of God that led them to us,’ she thoughtfully observed.  ‘They don’t have to be born to you to love them,’ Mrs. Dillow said.  ‘After we adopted the boys, their Godparents sent us this little poem.  It says how we feel much better than we could…’ ”


“Not flesh of my flesh, Not bone of my bone
But still miraculously, My Own.

Never forget, For a single minute:

You didn’t grow under my heart
But in it.”


Born in Munich, Germany, these two mischievous twin boys were adopted from an orphanage when they were 23 months old.  I imagine there were a lot of smiles and tears the day that Master Sergeant and Mrs. Dillow, left the orphanage with their boys in hand. Their caretaker obviously loved them very deeply as she gave them each gifts and sent them on their way to their new home, new family, new country…  After 12 years of marriage and struggling with infertility, the Dillow’s were finally parents.  Raimund became Christopher and Wilfried became Curtis… my Daddy.

With being a part of my own family, adoption has always been dear to me.  My passion for helping orphans grew after traveling to Romania, and my love for the process of adoption deepened after working with wonderful adoptive families through an agency in Northern Virginia.

So many amazing families all over the U.S. open their hearts and choose to go through the long, tedious and many times painful process of waiting to adopt a child.  Many already have biological children and simply feel called to care for a child in need, while others choose adoption to begin growing their families.

Because of my love for these children and their amazing families, I would love to bless them through my photography.  Any family who has adopted a child within the last 12 months, will receive a 50% discount off the session fee, for your family portrait session.